Tips on Case Studies
How to tell a story
Every child knows what a story is. We’ve all been hearing stories since before we could walk. Marketing gurus constantly tell us to use stories to engage prospects. For sure, any case study or problem/solution white paper must tell a compelling story. But have you ever stopped to ask what “a story” really is? Any…
Read MoreIs it bigger than a breadbox?
Have you ever interviewed a someone who says they have “no metrics” for your case study? Perhaps your source never had to justify their purchase, so they didn’t keep any formal metrics. That means they have no numbers to show how much your offering helped with their business problems… and no numbers you can use in…
Read MoreInfographic: How to write a killer case study
We recently came across a cool infographic on case studies from B2B copywriter Sandra Jean-Louis. It sums up so many great tips that we asked Sandra if she’d be willing to share it here. Here’s what she had to say: Few types of marketing collateral can compete with customer case studies That’s because they use…
Read MoreWhy are case studies so powerful?
Case studies, customer stories, application articles, success stories… Whatever you call them, an extended testimonial is probably the most powerful marketing piece any software firm can produce. But what makes case studies so powerful? “Dollar-for-dollar, case studies are the best marketing investment a company can make,” says seasoned case study writer Steve Slaunwhite. “I recommend…
Read MoreHow many case studies are "enough"?
Marketing people often wonder how many case studies their company should publish. How many case studies are really “enough?” The correct answer, of course, is “that depends”. In any case, don’t expect one or two stories to do the job; for best results, plan to create fresh stories continuously. Google will love that and so…
Read MoreHow to write a case study for beta software
A client once asked for a customer story on some software just going into beta. I was a little stumped… since that product could take 12 months to generate a ROI. But as one crusty old newspaper editor used to say to any reporter chasing a story: “The paper can’t print excuses!” I didn’t want to…
Read MoreHow to get the best bang from your case study buck
Everyone loves case studies. But how do you create a really great case study? Then how do you squeeze every drop of value out of it? We put these questions to two seasoned case study writers: Steve Slaunwhite and Casey Hibbard. They generously shared 15 pragmatic tips on how to plan, write and publish case studies for maximum…
Read MoreHow to get customers to agree to a case study
How do you find the right customers for a case study, and then secure their approvals? How do you write compelling stories? And repurpose them for maximum ROI? If you’re wondering about any of these questions, an excellent book by seasoned writer Casey Hibbard will set you straight. Hibbard spells out a step-by-step plan for turning…
Read MoreCase studies: the 7 biggest blunders
Why do some case studies work so well, while others don’t? Why are some so dazzling, while others are dull as dishwater? Over many years of writing and reading case studies, I’ve noticed several blunders that writers often make. You can take your next customer story from feeble to forceful by fixing these top seven…
Read MoreHow to use a case study inside a white paper
In a recent presentation on white papers, expert Jonathan Kantor suggested using a case study inside a white paper. I thought, “Wow, what a great technique!” Then I realized I’ve been doing the case-study-inside-a-white-paper trick for years already. Here are two examples that show how I’ve included case studies as proof points inside white papers. Example #1:…
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