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Master the art of white paper writing with these top 10 tips!

I’ve worked on 325 white papers over 25 years, and I’ve learned what works—and what doesn’t. Now, I’m sharing my top 10 techniques in a special tipsheet, all to help you create better white papers. Imagine your satisfaction at hearing: —”This is our best white paper ever!” —”We’re getting more leads than we  expected!” —”When can…

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White Paper World 48: September 27, 2024

White Paper World logo Feb-2024

Quick tip: Think outside the list This just in: The enshittification of everything What I’m reading: The Canceling of the American Mind 6.5-minute read. 11-minute listen: Quick tip: Think outside the list 2-minute read. In an earlier tip, I described how to write better lists. But sometimes a list isn’t the best approach. Sometimes recasting a…

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Quick tip: Make every bullet count

photo of a row of bullets

There’s nothing like a set of bullets to make a list easy to scan. But are your bulleted lists as sharp as they could be? Here are four tips to help make every bullet count. Tip 1: Order bullets for quick scanning It’s obvious how to arrange a set of bullets, right? You put the…

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Quick tip: Fix a draft white paper that’s too long

one draft too long, one just right

So you’ve written a draft white paper, but it’s way too long. Now your reviewers and your sponsor are complaining. So can you shorten a draft that’s way too long? Yes, you can. And here are five practical tips how. What’s too long, anyway? Technical people may read a white paper 30 or 40 pages…

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Quick tip: How to layer information for multiple audiences

multi-layer rainbow cake to signify layering information in a white paper

Ideally you can create one white paper for every segment of your target audience. But what if you can’t swing that? What if for some reason—time, money, or whatever—you need to reach more than one audience with the same white paper? In another article, I described how to “clone” one basic document for various segments…

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You asked: Is copywriting different from content writing?

That’s a great question. Here’s my answer, some lively comments, and some updated comments I posted after musing on this some more. I was fortunate to learn my craft writing for traditional magazines. From 1985 to today, I wrote close to 1,000 magazine articles, mainly about technology, for everyone from accountants to woodworkers. One thing…

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